Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today I am Thankful For... My Husband

This Thanksgiving day I am thankful for my husband! Little did I know when we first met--and clashed with the clanging of cymbals--almost three years ago that today we would be living in harmony and anticipating a child together!

Thank you for your tidy habits!
Thank you for your sparkling eyes!
Thank you for your musical gifts and humility!
Thank you for always watching out for me!
Thank you for being so trustworthy!
Thank you for your honesty!
Thank you for embracing my family!
Thank you for your incredible cooking skills!
Thank you for being interested in my passions!
Thank you for accepting me as I am!
Thank you for choosing me!


Ruthie Redden said...

Beautiful words x Have a wonderful thanksgiving x

emily.mcintyre said...

Thank you Ruthie! You have a wonderful thanksgiving yourself!

Jo Potter said...
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Jo Potter said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Lovely thoughts for for a special day in the US.
We don't have Thanksgiving here in England, but it is always good to think of things to be grateful for!

Best wishes,

emily.mcintyre said...

Hi Joanne! Great to hear from you. Indeed, it is a special day here!

Thank you for following my blog! Have a splendid evening.


Seedsower said...

He is an amazing man. So thankful.